
The Sisterhood of Delta Sigma Psi was founded on the campus of San Diego State University on December 12, 1998. It was organized by five dedicated sisters who collaborated to create a sorority that focuses on Scholastic Achievement, Social Interaction, Community Service, and Asian and Cultural Awareness. The Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Psi prides itself in strengthening the bonds of friendship and sisterhood. It was through the initial bonds of friendship that brought together Founding Mother Abigail Banag Rex, Founding Mother Michelle Nguyen, Founding Mother Kim Phan, Founding Mother Caterina Romano, and Founding Mother Charlotte Salvacion. The sorority functions as a whole because each sister is individually unique, and without one another, the sisterhood bond is incomplete. The sisters of Delta Sigma Psi wish to incorporate a lifelong journey of promoting friendship and sisterhood as they embark on their college education.



The sorority exists to foster a better understanding of life, both on and off campus, by enriching the college experience. We strive to promote the highest levels of integrity, honor, and appreciation through the links of sisterhood.

Elements of Delta Sigma Psi:

Motto: Individually Unique… Together Complete
Colors: Red and Silver
Flower: Red Rose
Stone: Diamond
Mascot: White Turtle Dove
Symbol: Butterfly
Founded: December 12, 1998




The Sisters of Delta Sigma Psi are ecstatic to see new faces and meet you all! This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, and see if this would be the right sisterhood for you. Join us every night at 6 pm from 2/1-2/7 to meet and have fun with Deltas!

THURSDAY 2/1 : USFC Community Event 
Location: Arts and Letters 201 Time: 7-9PM

FRIDAY 2/2 : Girls Night In
– Location: Cuic Time: 6pm

MONDAY 2/5 : Boba Night 
– Location: Cuic Time: 6pm

TUESDAY 2/6 : Game Night w/ Alpha Psi Rho
– Location: Cuic Time: 6:30pm

WEDNESDAY 2/7 : Info Night
– Location: Cuic Time: 6pm

WEBSITE: www.deltasigmapsi.org
FB: www.facebook.com/deltasigmapsi
IG: www.instagram.com/deltasigmapsi
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/deltasigmapsiSD

If you have any questions or concerns about our organization, rush week, or in general, feel free to contact any of our recruitment chairs:


Check out our past rush videos as a brief intro to what we’re about!!


Contact Us